Friday, November 23, 2012

We Are Thankful

 Dear Friends,

We hope that those of you in the States had a lovely Thanksgiving Day yesterday~ we had fun putting on a skit about the history of Thanksgiving for Grandma and Grandpa Graham. As you can see from the photo, we were quite a varied crew!

As the Christmas season approaches, it is tempting to be caught up in the fray of sales on things that we don't really need, and in desiring to please everyone and create happiness for them. May we remember, dear friends, that the greatest gift we can gift our loved ones is a peaceful, stress-free us! A beautifully-wrapped present under the tree will hardly make up for the bundle of frayed nerves that we tend to dish out to everyone the weeks preceding. :)

Let's reclaim this time as a time for nurturing our own souls, for savoring the resting time of the earth, and for strengthening home and family through small, loving gestures.

Watching the birds in their migration (and playing with the sparrows that steal that chicken feed) is a restful occupation that feeds our need for nature.

The moon reminds us that all things happen in cycles, and that we need not worry about missing out on the important things in life~ they will come back to us!

Sitting and chatting with a friend is a great way to unwind during this busy time~

The changing leaves also teach us that it is wise to let go of burdens and just rest in the Lord.

I think I may sharpen up these pencils and sketch a few leaves before they're gone!
Thank you to everyone who comes to visit, and especially for your sweet comments; we love all of you, and are grateful to have met you through the magic of the internet.

Love and blessings,

Remember~ "It is never too late to have a happy childhood." Tim Robbins

Saturday, November 10, 2012

November Blessings

Dear Friends,

Our little garden is getting ready for winter's rest, although the peas believe they'll have lots of time to start setting fruit!

We noticed that one of the apples we picked looked a little familiar. . .  

Ah yes, it looks like a dove!

We love the "imperfections" of nature that are so whimsical~ They show us that God has a sense of humor!

Speaking of whimsical, we found these radishes dancing away in the soil of our garden~ Perhaps an underground Pied Piper passed through?

The geraniums in our window are cheering us on cloudy, blustery days,
and the yard is full of the twitterings of birds in the morning, making this time of year a favorite, indeed.

Our cat Senora would love to be out watching the birds, too, but we know better!

We hope that you take time each day to slow down and observe the natural world around you; there are wonders on every hand, great and small!
May the Lord bless us as we approach the quiet time of the year, when the earth takes a well-earned rest.

