Tuesday, June 21, 2016

A Visit From the Fairies

Dear Friends,

When the elder starts to bloom, we know that the fairies are having their weddings. What other flower looks and smells like lace for Little People?

We're pretty sure we've seen signs of fairies around the yard. Is this one, pretending to be a damselfly?

On Midsummer's Eve, the children all set out little feasts for whatever sprites may happen by, and they find little gifts left for them the next morning. Here are some of their creative feast-sites~

Last night, after everyone had finished loading their banquet tables with black-capped raspberries and bits of cookies, we enjoyed the nightly firefly show, and an amazing sunset. There were too many clouds to see the full moon, but the moon's light made the sky appear to be still blue, long after the sun had gone done. It was truly magical!
Can you see the evening star in this photo?

May this summer be a magical one for all!



Thursday, June 16, 2016

Happy Birthday, Audrey

 Dear Friends,

Another birthday has come in the family this year; Audrey's birthday follows quickly behind that of her sisters, and this was her seventeenth. This growing older stuff has to stop! :) I am so blessed to be the mother of such a kind soul, who seeks each day to be more Christ-like in all things. And one who chooses such yummy desserts for her birthday!

 I've never made (or heard of) a Pavlova before, but we made a sugar-free version that was quite nice (it took two tries to get the meringue part right).

Many blessings to you, dear daughter!



Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Happy Birthday to AnnaMarie and Rebecca

 Dear Friends,

Yesterday AnnaMarie turned nineteen years old, whilst little sister Rebecca turned six.

It's always fun having a birthday twin, they tell me!

 To celebrate, we had a picnic and boat ride at a local nature area. It was perfect weather for an outing.

Little Hyrum tried catching a fish without a hook, but Evangeline was the one who was successful at catching a couple of minnows by hand~

Later on, we went to Grandpa's for dinner and cake, and then we had another gingerbread cake at home today. I think that's enough cake for now!

  Before long, AnnaMarie will fly from the nest, and little Rebecca might not always get to celebrate  with her birthday twin. May these times be cherished memories for them, always.

Love, Marqueta

Now We Are Six

When I was one
I had just begun.
When I was two
I was nearly new.
When I was three
I was hardly me.
When I was four
I was not much more.
When I was five
I was just alive.
But now I am six,
I'm as clever as clever.
So I think I'll be six
Now and forever. 

~by A.A. Milne

Now We Are Six

By A. A. Milne