When the elder starts to bloom, we know that the fairies are having their weddings. What other flower looks and smells like lace for Little People?
We're pretty sure we've seen signs of fairies around the yard. Is this one, pretending to be a damselfly?
On Midsummer's Eve, the children all set out little feasts for whatever sprites may happen by, and they find little gifts left for them the next morning. Here are some of their creative feast-sites~
Last night, after everyone had finished loading their banquet tables with black-capped raspberries and bits of cookies, we enjoyed the nightly firefly show, and an amazing sunset. There were too many clouds to see the full moon, but the moon's light made the sky appear to be still blue, long after the sun had gone done. It was truly magical!
Can you see the evening star in this photo?
May this summer be a magical one for all!