Thank you for visiting and for your precious comments, we feel truly blessed by you all.
We are experiencing a beautiful, sunny, chilly autumn day here, and are grateful for the sunshine.

As I sat rocking Frankie (my littlest) in the early morning light, I was blessed to witness another beautiful sunrise, after the previous evening's beautiful sunset. How much our Heavenly Father must love us, to give us the treasure of each day, framed in gold and wrapped in star-spangled paper! How thankful I was to have the time to stop and muse upon the workings of Nature-each day's slow and sure progress, season following season, all in its proper time and sphere. Sometimes the Lord has a big cleaning day, manifested by earthquakes, hurricanes, etc., but for the most part, it is as gentle as the morning sun painting the clouds a thousand hues of light. May I learn to order my life after His perfect pattern!
We had the fun opportunity of going to feed the geese and ducks that live by the Snake River in Idaho Falls, and would like to share a few favorite photos with you:

It is always hard to drag ourselves away from such outings; we all love nature so. We pray that the Lord will lead us to a home nearby a body of water, so we won't have to go home when we're done.
May your day be beautiful and blessed,
"Anyone can carry his burden, however hard, until nightfall. Anyone can do his work, however hard, for one day. Anyone can live sweetly, patiently, lovingly, purely, till the sun goes down: And this is all that life really means." ~Robert Louis Stevenson
"To affect the quality of the day, that is the highest of arts."
"Unless each day can be looked back upon by an individual as one in which he has had some fun, some joy, some real satisfaction, that day is a loss." ~Dwight D. Eisenhower