As you can see, it's been a busy spring for us here on the "homestead". Here are some "before" pictures of the yard and garden.

The greenhouse my mom bought for and put up for us was a real blessing. The tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants I planted inside it may be our best harvest, since it's been so cold for the ones planted outside.

Our hen Noodle is here helping cultivate the leek bed.

A view of the big garden, which looks like we'll get a good quack grass harvest (anybody know where we can get about five tons of mulch?). You can see the greenhouse and the beloved old Chevy that's been in the family longer than I have.

Here are a few projects we've been working on in our front-yard "potager". Note the post-hole in the front corner.

Can you see the raised beds past the quack grass and weeds?

Putting in another bed for peppers.

Thank goodness for aprons! Time for a washing for this one.

Mama's Little Helper at work. Someday we'll use Wall-o'-Waters. Till then, plastic cups will have to do!

May we all have a blessed spring and summer.
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