Dear Friends,
The fairies in Missouri have decided to get to work making things pop up in the yard. Someone has been painting some amazing sunsets, as well!
We have been spending as much time as possible outside, eating, playing, and working in the garden.
Here we are on St. Patrick's Day, using everything green we could find in the cupboard.
The daffodils that bloom on the east side of the house are the first in the yard to flower. They must have a cozy spot against the cement foundation!
What would spring be without a few pansies? I love how Rebecca shows up in the corner of the this picture that Tasha took, and that her dress complements the purple in the pansy. I have such gifted children.
This past Saturday I attended a workshop on using native plants in one's landscaping. There were lots of shrubs being given out by the Conservation Department, so I brought home a witch hazel, black haw, a spice bush, and this nine bark that can't wait to get growing! I also picked up lots of herbs and flowers and will be busy poking them here and there for the next few days.
May you also have the opportunity to spend as much time in the fresh air as possible this spring. And if you are going to put in a garden, please consider planting a few milkweeds (the tropical variety is a favourite) for the Monarch butterflies, who need our help if they are to avoid extinction.