Dear Friends,
We extend a warm welcome to all of our new friends who may have recently come upon us, and thank you so much for your sweet comments, as always! We had to laugh at Lady Farmer's comment on the last post; eating baby robins, eew! :) The robins made their nest in our neighbor's poplar tree, four feet off the ground, which makes us nervous about cats. We've been taking pictures of them every other day, and are amazed at how fast they've grown!
Here they are at four days~

~And already getting their feathers in at six days.

In between rain, snow, and high winds, we've been having lots of fun going for nature walks in our favorite spots~

This one had three "heads"!

And these had three and eight!

As far as job and baby news, Mr. Graham is still patiently waiting to hear back on several offers, and we are now officially one week from our due date. Things are bound to get mighty interesting around here :) ! We are still full of faith that the Lord has a plan for this little family, that He will reveal in His own due time. How wonderful to know that we are not the ones in charge of our lives, but that One who is perfect and knows what is best for us, is indeed leading and guiding us always.
May you also be blessed with the peace "which passeth understanding", in whatever situation you may be. Know that you are loved more than you could ever imagine.
I used to hate to sweep the floors and mop and scrub and dust.
I used to hate to wash and iron and wonder why I must;
The dishes too, that awful task, that came three times a day.
I sometimes thought I'd call a strike, or maybe run away.
A gray-haired neighbor came one day, when I was all upset
With churning, baking, washing, and dinner yet to get.
I told her how I hated it, my life was but a grind;
She smiled and said perhaps my trials were mostly in my mind.
I doubted her, and yet her hair was white as driven snow.
She'd lived a heap more years than I, and surely ought to know.
"These tasks are not so hard," she said, "I've done them all my life."
It's just because you hate, my dear, that causes all the strife."
I thought perchance she might be right, and so I tried her scheme
And brought about such changes it seems just like a dream;
I ceased to hate and lo, behold! my home became a shrine of love.
And all the hated humble tasks seemed like blessings from above.
~Agnes Just Reid
I used to hate to sweep the floors and mop and scrub and dust.
I used to hate to wash and iron and wonder why I must;
The dishes too, that awful task, that came three times a day.
I sometimes thought I'd call a strike, or maybe run away.
A gray-haired neighbor came one day, when I was all upset
With churning, baking, washing, and dinner yet to get.
I told her how I hated it, my life was but a grind;
She smiled and said perhaps my trials were mostly in my mind.
I doubted her, and yet her hair was white as driven snow.
She'd lived a heap more years than I, and surely ought to know.
"These tasks are not so hard," she said, "I've done them all my life."
It's just because you hate, my dear, that causes all the strife."
I thought perchance she might be right, and so I tried her scheme
And brought about such changes it seems just like a dream;
I ceased to hate and lo, behold! my home became a shrine of love.
And all the hated humble tasks seemed like blessings from above.
~Agnes Just Reid
Oh, Marqueta!
ReplyDeleteI had hoped that those poor little creatures would look somewhat better now that they are a little older and getting feathers. But they don't seem to be improving much ~ still a bit *moldy* looking! But I am sure mamma robin loves them almost as much as their Creator!
I can't believe cats haven't gotten them yet, either! Perhaps that is why God made them so *unappetizing* looking ~ even the cats don't want to eat them! :~O
How strange that the dandelions have several heads! I don't think I have ever seen one like that.
I'm still praying about job,healthy baby and easy delivery! Yes, things are about to get very exciting around your place. Take it easy and get in as much rest as you can. That may be in short supply very soon!
Blessings, my friend!
Hello Marqueta,
ReplyDeleteSuch a sweet post! Love the photos of you and your little ones. Blessings on that one to be. May the Lord bring your husband a wonderful job in His time and to prove His care for you just when you need it. How He loves to reveal Himself that way! Love the poem, too. I try to teach this philosophy of housework to my four daughters, as well.
Blessings to you, friend!
Mi querida amiga,
ReplyDeleteQue felicidad de saber que tu y tu bebe (por nacer) estan bien de salud. Te ves tan linda rodeada de tus bellos ninos.
Es verdad lo que dice Raeann, para la mami Robin, los pajaritos son bellos. Como han crecido!
Tu espiritu esta muy calmado. Yo se que tu y tu familia estan esperando con paz y un poco de anciedad, la llegada de un nuevo trabajoy y la llegada de tu nuevo bebe.
Esperar no es facil. Pero cuando uno se enfoca en el rostro de Jesus Cristo...todo se calma y tu vives con la paz que no se puede explicar!
Gracias, mi amiga, por tus commentarios...Yo le doy gracias a Dios por tu amistad!!
Que Nuestro Salvador te siga guiando y manteniendo siempre,
Such a sweet post...loved your pictures and the very wise poem...blessings to your family....
ReplyDeleteDid you realize that my last name is "Robbins"?(!) That was a great poem. I also agree with the prayer for an easy delivery. Of course, easy and painful can go together, but a seasoned veteran like you will surely make it all look easy, because it is! And don't worry about the safety of the baby - he or she will be perfectly safe.
ReplyDeleteDear Marqueta~your must be very excited to be expecting another little one! You are very blessed! The pictures of you and your daughter are just beautiful. My skirt in the photo on my blog was made by our dear friend Emily! She is so wonderfully blessed in creating all sorts of different skirts like the one I am wearing. It is the "prairie skirt." I wish I could someday sew like her. God bless you and your family, Rose
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely post! I've been a stranger to blogland recently, but I'm so glad to stop here and get sweet encouragement. Thanks for the words of truth! And we're thinking of you all as you continue in the job search and for your baby's birth...coming soon! =)
ReplyDeleteDear Marqueta,
ReplyDeleteSuch sweet pictures! What a hug! We have found "odd" things growing before, such as a flower with a wide, flat stem. It was quite the sight! I've not seen dandelions like that before though! Amazing!
I think about you often and hope you are feeling well and rested! It won't be long.
I love the encouraging words at the end. I need to quit "hating" things myself.