As each day passes in a whirlwind of activity with a houseful of rambunctious youngin's (and beautiful young ladies), I try to "pull focus" and remember how fleeting these times are, and how precious time at home is.
One of the greatest joys in my life is watching my children grow and develop into their own personalities, and seeing them invent stories and re-enact their favorite characters.
Here are the oldest three girls outside the theatre where Mr. Graham took them to see "The Desolation of Smaug." It took some thrift-store shopping and sheepskin-chopping, but we pulled together Bilbo, Fili, and Kili outfits to dress up in. AnnaMarie tried handing the attendant her swords for safe-keeping. She said, "Careful with these, I just had them sharpened" a la Fili, but he told her she could keep them instead. I love having such "socially-deprived" homeschooled girls! ☺
AnnaMarie has written an original feature-length film, which we all helped make. Audrey did an amazing job on the editing, adding sound effects and music. Everyone become very good at playing several roles!

Of course little Hyrum is still the king of the household however, taking up our days and filling our hearts with lots of endorphins.
"Now offering Baby-Hugging Therapy services"
We could play with his feet all day!
Most of our days are spent doing this and that, learning and sharing, fussing and making up, nourishing body and soul and seeking to build up the kingdom of God on this earth. At the end of the day I'm usually too tired to write it all down in my journal, but I hope that the lives of my children and children's children will be a testimony to my love for the Lord and desire to live a life that glorifies Him in all things.
So much to learn, so little time!
We are grateful to be able to share with you, our dear friends, our little happenings and joys, and pray for God's blessings upon your own family.
The best of times is now
What's left of summer but a faded rose
The best of times is now
As for tomorrow, well, who knows
Who knows, who knows
What's left of summer but a faded rose
The best of times is now
As for tomorrow, well, who knows
Who knows, who knows
So hold this moment fast, hold it fast
And live and love as hard as you know how,
And live and love as hard as you know how,
And make this moment last, moment last
Because the best of times is now
Is now, is now
Because the best of times is now
Is now, is now