Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Tip-Sharing Tuesday: Homemade Paint Recipes

Dear Reader,

Thank you for visiting us today!

Before you know it, warmer weather will be here, and with it the urge to clean and paint. Why not try something new this year, and in lieu of chemical-based paints, make some of your own?

I myself have not attempted it yet, but have a few recipes that I'll share with you, that I plan on referring to once it's warm enough to send the little ones outside so the paint stays where we want it! And since we didn't have any pictures of paint to show you, we'll show you some of the reasons why we don't want to use chemical paint~~~~

Our chickens love paint-They peck it off the house.

(Extracted from the book "Household Discoveries and Mrs. Curtis' Cook Book"):

Lime Paint

"A mixture combining the qualities of paint with those of whitewash may be made with slaked lime as a basis by the addition of various materials, as milk, whiting, salt, alum copperas, potash, ashes, sand, and pitch, with or without a small proportion of white lead (ed. note~hopefully without!) and linseed oil. These mixtures are more durable than whitewash, but have less finish that white lead and oil.

Heavenly Homeschooling

To prepare lime paint, slake lime with water (ed. note~Slaked lime is readily available today) and let dry to the consistency of paste. Thin with skimmed milk to the proper thickness to lay on with a brush. Add coloring matter as desired (ed. note~We have heard that powdered Rit Dye works well for coloring.).

Or slake 4 ounces of lime with water to the consistency of cream and stir into it 4 quarts of skimmed milk. Sprinkle on the surface through a sieve 5 pounds of whiting (chalk). Let this gradually sink, then stir and rub together thoroughly and add coloring matter as desired. The casein or curd of milk, by the action of caustic lime becomes insoluble and produces a paint of great tenacity suitable for farm buildings, cellars, walls, and all rough outdoor purposes. Apply with a paint brush. Two or three coats will be necessary. The above quantity is sufficient for 100 square yards."

And here are some recipes for fireproof paint, for all you adventurous souls out there~

"Mix equal amounts of powdered iron filings, brick dust, and sifted ashes. Grind the whole to a find powder. Prepare a warm glue size by dissolving 4 ounces of glue in 1 gallon of water. Stir into this the powdered mixture, to the proper consistency, and apply with a paint brush. Two or three coats will render woodwork fireproof.

Or slake stone lime in boiling water, covering it to keep in the steam. Reduce with water to the consistency of cream, and to each 5 gallons add 1 pound of powdered alum, 12 ounces of carbonate of potassium, and 1/2 pound of common salt. Stir in these ingredients in the order mentioned. Add coloring matter as desired. Mix well, bring to the boiling point, and apply while hot. This is a suitable paint for the roofs of farm buildings and the like."

And here is how to keep your paint fresh:

"Any paint left over after using must be sealed. Or it may be kept fresh in an open can or pail by merely filling up the vessel with water. When the paint is again needed the water may be poured off. But take care that the water does not evaporate, as in that case the paint will be ruined."

There now, that should give you some fun projects to work on, although I would suggest using an old stock pot for boiling that paint on the stove (And just make sure that noone mistakes it for blanc mange!).



"Simplified Spelling"
Mother's Magazine, June 1916

"What have you learned at school today, Richard?" asked his father.
"I have learned how to spell horse," was the reply.
"Very good. How do you spell it?"
"H-O-R-S-E," spell Richard.
"And now can you spell colt?" inquired his father.
"Yes," was the prompt reply, "you spell it just the same as you do horse, only you use smaller letters."


  1. Oh Marqueta~
    Your photos (children and chickens) are adorable!
    Are your chickens Buff Orphingtons?
    I have a two of those types of hens and they are so sweet! I also have Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, Black Sexlinks, Silver-laced Wyandottes and Aracaunas. I really do like chickens. Some have such funny little personalities! Mine like to peck the stuff out of potting soil (vermiculite I think) and anything that isn't moving and many things that are! :~}

  2. dear mami,
    i like the post!!!
    i like the pictures,too!!!!!!!!!
    i love you and i like you!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Dear Marqueta,

    I love the photos of your precious children and chickens! So sweet!!! I would love to keep chickens.

    Thank you for sharing the homemade paint recipes.

    Love, Paula


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