Dear Friends,
We have been glorying in the riches of gold and scarlet, as the trees have been transformed through the yearly miracle called autumn.

To walk through the woods in a breeze, watching the fluttering leaves as they catch a shaft of light before falling to the ground, returning to the earth in a never-ending cycle of renewal. To breathe in the scent of leaves mingled with the earth, which will soon be enriched by them. To feel the absolute calm of all growing things, as they settle down for rest. To be surprised by new growth appearing at the base of the perennial plants,
Motherwort, readying for next year's growth.

and the buds on the trees, readying themselves even now for next spring's awakening. All these things make our hearts fill with gratitude and awe, at the perfection of the natural world.

These things could not just have occurred by accident, and our spirits soar at the thought that the same One who created the earth, created us, just as perfectly. Our spiritual lives, as well as the earth, follow a cyclical pattern of growth and rest, and rebirth, though these may be harder to observe. May we be like the earth, trusting in our Maker in each season of life. May we learn when to rest, when to grow, and when to prepare for new growth just as the plants and trees do.

As those of you who have been following this blog for a while may know, we decided to make this the year that we learned about and utilized as many of the good things of the earth as possible, both for medicine and food. While our tummies have been filled with surprising new tastes, we believe that our spirits have been filled most of all. We were not prepared for the shift of consciousness that comes with truly opening our eyes and seeing what God has put here for us to use, the only cost being our effort in harvesting and enjoying.
Sumac berries make a wonderful "lemonade"

We began seeing the whole natural world differently, to feel more deeply in tune with what was in season, and realizing the great abundance and provision which is everywhere to be found. We found ourselves becoming more deeply saddened, as well, by the abuse that this dear earth receives from its inhabitants. Especially by those that profess to believe in God. "How can we profess to believe in the Creator, if we destroy His creations?" I can't remember who made this statement, but it should be passed along everywhere! We cannot control what others do, but let us, dear friends, strive to honor God by living in a more peaceful manner on the earth, and not seeking to destroy every wild thing that might appear in our lawn (I'm speaking of dandelions here :) )! Let the rest of the world call us crazy (They probably already do, anyway).

I truly hope that you have been able to spend time in nature lately, whether in a city park or in the mountains, far away from humanity. I hope that you will keep a little notebook of observations about weather, animals, birds, and whatever else is around you, too~you will be surprised how much it will mean to you after a few years! May the Lord continue to open our eyes to the wonder of this beautiful, beautiful, world. May we let Mother Nature nurture us, through whatever season of life we may find ourselves right now.

Blessings to you and your family today.