Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Happy Birthday, Audrey!

 Dear frends,

Yesterday we celebrated another birthday. Our dear Audrey turned 13, making us the parents of two teen-aged young ladies. And what a pleasure it is to watch them grow into caring, hard-working, and creative people who love the Lord and seek to please Him in all they do! At the same time, we look and see how much more we want them to know before they are old enough to begin their own households, in just a few short years.

Audrey, AnnaMarie, and Tasha helped a friend prepare to move after Audrey opened her presents yesterday, and when we went to pick them up we stopped at a beautiful community garden nearby.


Later in the afternoon we went to our favorite nature area, where Audrey tried out her new binoculars~

(She was excited to spot these cowbirds there)

 . . . And we found a thicket of black caps, whose juice looks  a lot like that of mulberries! :)

Thank you for sharing Audrey's birthday with us, and may you have a blessed week.




  1. Happy birthday, Audrey, you wonderful graphic artist! Hope you are enjoying your binoculars. Pretty amazing contraptions, aren't they?

  2. Happy Birthday!

    I love binoculars....especially for looking at the little birds/critters! love,andrea

  3. Dear Mama,

    Thank you for the nice post! ☺

    I'm glad that you are my mother~ you are the best in the w♡rld!

    Being 13 doesn't feel that much different than being 12!♥

    I love you and I like you!




  4. Happy Birthdays to all three 'flowers' who have celebrated them recently!
    They are much the best produce of your garden, Marqueta!

    Lovely posts, as usual.
    xxx H

  5. What a beautiful way to spend a birthday :)

    May Our Lord continue to guide them as they grow in the love and grace of our Savior.

    The hats by the way are beautiful...


  6. Happy Birthday Miss Audrey...you are a very blessed young lady. I bet you already know that though :) I love visiting your mama and reading about all of your adventures together. May God continue to bless your life as you grow into your adult years,but be a little girl as long as possible. Childhood can be short and sweet,but you will be a grown up for many,many years. Play dolls,jump rope,hop scotch and have fun everyday :) All to soon,you will be a full grown woman,looking back on playful years with such fond memories.

  7. Happy Birthday lovely young lady! Thirteen is a very fun number, but you are right, most ages don't feel a whole lot different that the one that came before. You know that you have a super mother, right?

  8. Happy Birthday, Audrey! What a wonderful day you had! God bless you and your wonderful family as you continue your journey! Remember: life is an adventure to be lived, not a problem to be solved!

    Have a glorious week!

  9. Happy Birthday, Sweet girl! I hope to someday meet you and all of your beautiful children, Marqueta. If not this side of Heaven--then at the throne!

  10. Birthday blessings to sweet Audrey!
    What a lovely day you all had :-)
    And what a fun present binoculars are!
    I'm sure they'll get a lot of use in your neck of the woods, Marqueta.
    love..Trish xx

  11. Happy belated birthday to your Audrey. That is such a wonderful age! Your trip to the gardens looks delightful. And I've never heard of cowbirds before!

    Have a wonderful evening.


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