Monday, August 24, 2009

To Everything There is a Season. . . .

. . .And this is the season to clean the house!

Dear Friends,

We won't be on the computer much this week, as our in-laws are coming to stay this weekend. After having lived out of doors most of the summer, we are looking around and seeing that we have our work cut out for us! My, how things get out of hand when one's back is turned!

We are extremely grateful that we've had a nice, soaking rain over the weekend, so we do not have to worry about our green babies perishing in the heat of the sun while we tidy up inside. Instead of stressing ourselves out over the amount of work to be done, we are choosing to be glad that Grandma and Grandpa are giving us a chance to really bless our home ;) . All the same, we will be taking lots of nettle seeds, ashwaganda, and milky oat tincture to help us deal with the stress!

Clarice at Storybook Woods reminds us that this Friday is Tasha Tudor Day~try to leave an hour or so in your schedule to have a special tea to honor her birthday. We'll be gathering her books from the four quarters of the cottage and arranging a little vignette in the parlor, which we hope will be clean by then!

We will look forward to catching up on everyone's blogs when we can. You bring great joy to our lives.

Love and blessings to you,



"While the son must be taught some business in life, there is one business which should always be taught a daughter-the business of housekeeping, in all its departments." ~Mrs. Julia McNair Wright, "The Complete Home"


  1. Dear Marqueta,

    When one's back is turned indeed! I don't even need to be outside for things to fall into disrepair. :)

    Enjoy your week. I really do enjoy cleaning. Have fun. Your herbal boosts sound good.


  2. Have a wonderful break! I hope it is a lovely visit for you. :)

  3. Enjoy your visit with your family~Blessings Heather ;D

  4. Oh my.... :>)
    What a simply delightful post!
    Hope you have a marvelous time
    with your family!!!

    Lots of Love~ Miss Jen

  5. oh boy, I need to do a little cleaning around my house for sure :O)

    I like the pictures you always find to use in your blogspots!!!

    many blessings, Deanna

  6. Que felicidad, Querida Amiga, por la visita que vas a tener muy pronto!

    Yo se exactamente como te debes de sentir...un poco ocupada, pero con mucha anticipacion ;)

    Que Dios te llene de bendiciones con tu familia!

    con carino,

    lady m

  7. This time of year makes me feel a sense of nesting, my attentions are turning indoors more than they have been. Our stacks of books are being changed out and given even more attention, my closet of linens are being washed all at once washing the summer slowly away. I hope your family is blessed by the visiting of more family. May you all enjoy your time together! I will be thinking of you as I sip my tea in honor of Tasha Tudor on Friday!

  8. I still use Bon Ami..LOL! Enjoy your company--dont'stress about the house too much, its all about relationships:-)


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