Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tip-Sharing Tuesday: Care of the Hands

Good morrow, Dear Reader!

We hope the day finds all well with you and yours. Do you know that we think of you often, and even pray for you, that you will be blessed with whatever challenges you may have?

Today we'd like to share a few vintage hints on taking care of the hands, again quoting from our "Household Discoveries" book (If you ever spy this book anywhere, be sure to snatch it up!):

The Hands

Nothing betrays lack of daintiness in personal care more than neglect of the hands and nails. Of course it is more difficult for some women to keep their nails clean and their hands soft, white, and free from blemished than for others. But in the care or the hands immaculate cleanliness is imperative. They should never be washed except when it can be done thoroughly. Constantly rinsing them in cold water grinds the dirt in and ruins the texture of the skin, making it rough, coarse, and red. When exposed to hard usage, as in the routine of housework, instead of frequently washing the hands in water, a few drops of oil should be rubbed into them. They should then be dusted over with talcum powder and wiped with a coarse towel. This will cleanse them and protect the flesh from growing callous. Lemon juice will remove stains.

The hands should always be washed in tepid water, and a good soap is an absolute necessity. It is also important that the water be soft. Avoid washing the hands frequently with cheap laundry soap, washing powders, soft soap, or other powerful detergents. They tend to roughen, redden, and chap the skin. The best soap is none too good for the toilet. Any hard, white, pure or neutral soap is suitable for the toilet. Hence it is not necessary to purchase special toilet soaps, which are usually expensive, however desirable they may seem to be. To test soap for toilet purposes, apply the tongue to it. If it contains free alkali, it will have a caustic or burning taste and should be avoided (ed. note: You may wish to not be in the presence of others while testing your soap!). Otherwise it is not likely to be injurious.

In cold weather or when the hands are very dirty rub a little pure lard or cold cream over them, and afterwards wash them with soap and water in the usual way. This has a tendency to keep the skin from cracking or chapping. The use of gloves, especially when gardening, driving, or walking in the sun or wind, helps to preserve the softness of the hands and keep them clean. Sprinkling the hands with orris root or talcum powder before drawing on the gloves will counteract excessive perspiration.

Redness and Burning. -These troubles are caused by defective circulation. Attention should be given to the general health, and as a preventive measure the hands should be protected from exposure to the weather-especially in the winter-by the use of a muff or by fur-lined gloves. Or two pairs of gloves may be worn, which will be found warmer than one pair lined. After the hands have been exposed to the cold they may be prevented from tingling by washing them in very warm water, and drying them carefully on a soft towel. The after effect will be a feeling of coolness, whereas the use of cold water causes a glow.

To Remove Stains From the Hands.
- Substances recommended for removing stains from the hands are lemon juice, the juice of ripe tomatoes, or vinegar.

To Soften the Hands.-
Keep on the toilet near the near a dish of oatmeal, and rub it freely on the hands after washing. This will cleanse and soften the skin.

Or use cornmeal in the same manner.

Or a pair of white kid gloves may be turned inside out and brushed over with cold cream or any melted mixture of wax, oil, lard, or other unguent. These gloves may then be drawn on the hands and worn at night.

A small quantity of bran boiled in a linen bag softens the hands. Put both the juice and the boiled bran in the washbowl, add warm or hot water, and wash the hands with or without soap. This is perhaps the best and simplest treatment for the redness, dryness, and roughness caused by housework and exposure. After washing, the hands may be rubbed with a few drops of honey.


We do hope that you have picked up a tidbit or two that you would like to try (Some may be easier to explain to family members than others); We certainly did!

And lastly, here is another something from the "Housewife Magazine", June 1906:

About Our Cares.

Look about you and think whether or not your friends who have no children are care-free. A so-called old maid friend of our family, with never occasion for worrying about the affairs of any human being near her, adopted a cat long years ago; and now this decrepit pussy exacts the same amount of care and thought of this estimable lady as would serve to bring up at least two romping children who might go out into the world to do it good. So it really seems that we must have cares of one sort or another. The cares of a family of beautiful children (All children are beautiful in a way their parents may see, if others fail to) differ from other kinds in the compensation offered in return; for do we not get it all back- the love and solicitude, the labor and the thought-and with interest, before we die? There are few but think so, deep down in their hearts.

Nevertheless, we often allow petty trials to impress us too strongly; so that they color our life, and find expression in our tone and actions. We must forever guard against an awful habit, alas! too prevalent; that of scolding, that brings a black throng of hard words, with apparent reason and as often with none.

A Mother's Reward
By Martha Shephard Lippincott.
How would a mother stand her life,
With all its load of care,
Did not the blessing of sweet love
Spread sunshine everywhere,
And brighten up the dreary days
When mothers are so tired?
How could they ever bear the load,
If not, by love, inspired?

'Tis that which brings the joyous smile,
Instead of discontent;
And what a blessing it has been
That God this treasure sent.
For such a burden cares would be,
Were not the thoughts of love
E'er nestling in the tender heart,
To lead the soul above.

And teach us to forget life's care,
In dreaming of its bliss;
And sweetest pleasure wives will find
In love's fond, tender kiss.
It takes away the weariness,
And many trials of life,
To feel you are a well beloved
And most devoted wife.




  1. dear mama,
    i like the post!!!!
    i love you and i like you!!!!!!!

  2. Wonderful post. I have been blessed while on my visit here.

  3. Dear Mama,
    I Like The Post! It Is Very Nice, And I Like The Pictures, Too!!You Must Have Taken A Long Time To Type Up All Of The Article:) It Is Very Nice! I Love You And I Like You!Love, Audrey

  4. Thank you for the information regarding hand care. I certainly need it. As always, I enjoyed my visit here.



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